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South Ferriby Primary School

Horkstow Road, South Ferriby Barton upon Humber, North Lincolnshire, DN18 6HU
Tel: 01652 635251 | Email: admin@bridgefederation.co.uk

Internet Safety

At South Ferriby School pupils learn how to use computers.  As part of the learning they are able to access the internet from Reception to Year 6 in a way that builds up their understanding of the benefits and risks of using the internet.  Our systems are filtered in a way which allows pupils to access more information as they develop through the school.  In Computing and PSHE they are given lessons on how to manage the risks of using the internet by learning about 'viewing, sharing, chatting and friending.'  This is done regulary during the school year.

We take part in anti-bullying week and safer internet day where pupils research, discuss and present information about how to stay safe on-line.  

We would recommend the following websites to help parents with up-dated information on internet safety:-




We pride ourselves on the behaviour and personal development of our pupils.  We follow Jigsaw PSHE programme where learning is foucsed on aspects of pupils's personal development,  Anti-bullying including cyber-bullying  is covered in these lessons as well as in assemblies and whole school events such as anti-bullying week.

Pupils are taught and encouraged to talk to an adult if they have any concerns.  They have an allocated special adult whom they feel they would like to approach if they had a problem.

Technology in school

All our computer technology in the school is filtered.  There are systems in place to allow staff to manage and monitor pupils' internet use.  Acces to systems is limited to ensure pupils get to what they need and enjoy the opportunities gained from technogoly but also understand the risks. Pupils are encouraged to speak to an adult if they are unhappy with anything they have searched for.  Guidance is given on using appropriate apps and websites and on-line tools.

Pupils learn to use passwords including understanding how to protect and use their password safely.

Safeguarding Roles

Designated Safeguarding Lead  - Mrs L Allwood

Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs S Andrew

Deputy Safeguarding Lead/Mental Health Chamption - Miss J O'Sullivan

Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Mrs P Murray

Deputy Safeguarding Lead - Miss R Alavi

Safeguarding Governor - Mrs J Duck

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